Profile PictureJoel Zakrisson


10 ratings

The J-Keys is a huge library of hotkeys for Autodesk Maya 2016-2018. It's mainly made for modeling/UV-mapping and includes scripts by Richard Brenick.

Get support and updates in J-Keys Tools Group.

Also available on HighEnd3D.



Collapse = ctrl + Q

Connect Components = shift + Q

Connect Tool = ctrl + shift + Q

Hole = ctrl + alt + Q

J-Delete = alt + Q

Delete = alt + shift + Q

Delete Unused Materials = ctrl + alt + shift + Q


Merge to Center = shift + W

Target Weld Tool = alt + W

Merge Vertices = alt + shift + W


Extrude = alt + E

Extract = ctrl + E

Edit Edge Flow = shift + E

Export Selection = ctrl + shift + E

Quick Export = ctrl + alt + shift + E

Insert Edge Loop = alt + shift + E

- Multiple/Relative = alt + shift + E

- Equal Distance = alt+ shift + 5

- Increase Loops = alt + shift + 2

- Decrease Loops = alt + shift + 1


Batch Renamer = alt +R

Compact Renamer = alt + shift + R

Refresh Textures = ctrl + shift + R

Import Reference = ctrl + alt + shift + R


Triple Split = alt + T

Transform = alt + shift + T

Triangulate = ctrl + alt + T

Quadrangulate = ctrl + alt + Y

Invert Selection = shift + Y

Spherize = ctrl + alt + O


Angle Selection = shift + A

Drag Selection = alt + shift + A

Camera Selection = ctrl + alt + shift + A

Slide Edge = shift + S

Smooth = ctrl + alt + S

Separate = alt + shift + S


Double Split = alt + D

Duplicate Face = ctrl + alt + D

Delete History = alt + shift + D

Delete all History = ctrl + alt + shift + D


Fill Hole = alt + F

Freeze Transformations = alt + shift + F

Group Select = ctrl + shift + G

Unlock Normals = alt + shift + G

Unlock Normals Shading Fix = ctrl + alt + shift + G


Prevent Negative Scale = ctrl + J

Lattice = ctrl + alt + L

Lasso Tool = shift + L


Multi-Cut = alt + shift + Z

Middle Split = alt + C

Combine = alt + shift + C

Copy Material = ctrl + C

Paste Material = ctrl + V

Harden Edge = ctrl + shift + Z

Soften Edge = ctrl + shift + X

Soften/Harden = ctrl + shift + C

Harden UV Borders = ctrl + shift + V

Rotate 90° Z = alt + Z

Rotate 90° Y = alt + X

Mirror Z = ctrl + alt + Z

Mirror X = ctrl + alt + X

Mirror Y = ctrl + alt + C

Z Invert = ctrl + alt + shift + Z

X Invert = ctrl + alt + shift + X

Y Invert = ctrl + alt + shift + C


Bevel = ctrl + B

Bridge = shift + B

Boolean Difference = ctrl + shift + B

Bend Deformer = ctrl + alt + B

Soft Select Mode = alt + B


Select Same Material = ctrl + M

Merge Duplicated Materials = alt + M

New Blinn Material = ctrl + N

Reverse Normals = alt + N

Select Nedge = shift + N


Create Cube = alt + 1

Create Cylinder = alt + 2

Create Sphere = alt + 3

Create Plane = alt + 4

Create Polygon Tool = alt + 5

Quad Draw = alt + 6

Mesh Along Edge = alt + 7

Create Torus = alt + 8

Center Pivot = shift + 1

Move to center = ctrl + shift + 1

Orient 3D = ctrl + alt + shift + 1

World Axis = ctrl + 1

Object Axis = ctrl + 2

Component Axis = ctrl + 3

Gimbal Axis = ctrl + 4

Selection to Face = shift + 2

Selection to Edge = ctrl + shift + 2

To Edge Loop = shift + 3

To Edge Ring = alt + shift + 3

Joel Lighting Setup = alt + shift + 7


Save Selection = Home

Select Saved Selection = PgUp

Deselect Saved Selection = PgDown

To Shell = alt + shift + >

Hierarchy = shift + ↓


Automatic Map = alt + A

Planar Map = alt + S

Cut = shift + Z

Move and Sew = shift + X

Selection to UV = shift + C

Selection to UV Shell = shift + V

Unfold = shift + F

Hun = alt + shift + H

Vun = alt + shift + V

Straighten Edges Both = alt + shift + B

Align UVs Horizontal = ctrl + alt + >

Align UVs Vertical = ctrl + shift + >

Flip UVs Horizontal = ctrl + alt + F

Flip UVs Vertical = ctrl + shift + F

Rotate UVs = ctr + R

UV Ratio = ctrl + alt + R

Layout UVs = L

Match UVs = shift + M

Orient UVs = shift + R

Stack UVs = ctrl + alt +shift + S

Preserve UVs = shift + U

Unitize = alt + U

Move UV Shell = ctrl + alt + shift + V

UV Set Toggle = shift + F1

UV Set Swap = alt + shift + F1

UV Borders Display = ctrl + alt + 1

UV Checker Display = ctrl + alt + 2

UV Overlay Display = ctrl + alt + 4


Hotkey Editor = 9

Script Editor = 0

UV Editor = U

Outliner = O

Preferences = ctrl+ P

Hypershade = ctrl + alt + 9

Transfer Maps = ctrl + shift + T

Transfer Attributes = ctrl + alt + shift + T

UV Linking = alt + shift + U

Cleanup = shift + _

Modeling Toolkit = ctrl + alt + A

Material Attribute Editor = M

Tool Settings = shift + T

Hardcore Mode = ctrl + shift + space

Help Line = ,


Wire Shaded = 5

AO = shift + 5

AA = shift + 6

Shadows = 8

X-ray = alt + shift + X

Vertex Paint Display = ctrl + F1

Soft Edge Display = alt + F1

Add to Layer = alt + F2

Layer Visibility = alt + shift + F2

Grid = alt + G

Isolate Selected = H

Cycle Camera Views = ctrl + alt + shift + F

Cycle Background Color = ctrl + alt + shift + B

Reset UI = * 

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